"Donald Trump must not be elected president," Clinton urged
Stephen Beatty slams "straight people slime journalism" after his father praised him to Vanity Fair
Pence said that he and Trump want to resolve "bathroom issue" at state level
Portraying Maura Pfefferman changed the way Jeffrey Tambor thinks about acting, tolerance and love
"He’s a bigot, he’s a vile man, and he shouldn’t be...leading our nation.”
A Florida judge has ordered the Florida Department of Health to amend the birth certificate of a transgender male teen to reflect his proper gender...
"California is charting a new course for equality"
Assemblyman Evan Low's bill targets states that pass discriminatory laws or "religious freedom" measures
Democratic candidate says anti-LGBT law sends a message to some people that "you're not really wanted"
Strict voter ID laws could prevent trans people in 8 states from voting in November
Terry Brady was convicted of shooting Yaz'min Schancez to death, then burning her body
A decision in favor of the two plaintiffs could resolve the issue due to lack of opposing counsel
Mark Assini opposed gay marriage and called transgender people "mentally disturbed" in his blog posts
–North Carolina State Sen. Tamara Barringer (R-Cary), the first Republican to call for the repeal of the state’s anti-LGBT HB 2 law, which restricts transgender...
Transgender soldier and inmate at the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks Chelsea Manning announced late Tuesday night that she had ended a five-day hunger strike after receiving...