A bill in South Dakota that would have required state and local governments to only accept personal information on a person’s birth certificate as legally...
Governor to meet with local transgender individuals before deciding whether or not to veto bill
Gov. Daugaard has five days to veto measure before it goes into law
Respective bills head to opposite legislative chambers, even as Gov. McAuliffe promises vetoes
Dowling was a finalist in Men's Health's search for a cover model.
A transgender Girl Scout sells $4,000 in cookies for a cause.
South Dakota is on a roll when it comes to devising ways to target its LGBT community for discrimination. A South Dakota State House committee...
Despite attempts to give their state a much-needed public relations makeover, Hoosier lawmakers have fallen short in passing comprehensive protections for Indiana’s LGBT citizens. In...
GLAAD has announced the nominees for their 27th Media Awards and there are few surprises.
The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday will hear the appeal of a Virginia transgender student who is challenging his school’s restroom policy requiring...
Julia Scotti found renewed interest in comedy after coming out as transgender
Caitlyn Jenner deals with politics, marriage equality and her sex life in "I Am Cait" season 2
Qatar has banned screenings of The Danish Girl, following complaints about its "moral depravity."
The president of an evangelical Christian university in Oklahoma is “proud” to have asked for a religious exemption from Title IX that would allow his university to...
An Australian passenger was left feeling "demeaned" after airport security asked him to remove his prosthetic penis during security checks