Amy Schneider has made history as the first trans Jeopardy! player to reach the Tournament of Champiosn
An Iowa court has ruled that a law barring Medicaid from covering transgender recipients' surgical expenses is unconstitutional.
Parents in Milwaukee are suing a local school district for affirming their child's gender identity
A British doctor could lose his job over tweets pushing back against transphobes and anti-trans misinformation.
Sebastien Lifshitz's 'Little Girl' is a beautiful, intimate portrait of a trans child's journey towards being their true self.
At least 47 transgender Americans lost their lives to violence this year.
Human Rights Watch released a report detailing and making recommendations on how to stop anti-trans violence in the United States.
Shantae Payne, a transgender teen, said she was knocked unconscious by peers at Pebblebrook High School in Georgia
The Loudoun County School Board has settled part of a lawsuit with a teacher who was suspended for refusing to use trans students' pronouns.
This year's 24th Annual film fest features 7 programs, is completely online, and is fully "Pay What You Can"
An Ohio single dad made history on Tuesday when he was elected to his local school board, becoming the first out trans person elected to...
Three anti-LGBTQ Republicans swept to victory in Virginia on Tuesday, and a fierce opponent of equality will be the next Speaker of the House.
A Minnesota furniture retailer will have to pay $60,000 to a transgender job applicant after a federal investigation concluded that the company refused to hire...
Virginia Republican railed against protections for LGBTQ people in bill, blaming society's ills on "failure to follow God's law."
Some pro-LGBTQ legislation or policies could be reversed or rolled back if Republicans take control of the Commonwealth