Dominick Archield is accused of shooting Stuckey, a former neighbor, on July 20
Yanna Awtrey says the surgery was necessary to treat his gender dysphoria, which drove him to contemplate suicide
Crime Solvers will offer up to $1,000 for anyone who provides information leading to arrest and indictment of suspects
Judge rules the Fourteenth Amendment and Title IX both protect transgender students from discrimination
A second transgender woman has been killed in South Carolina in just over two weeks, becoming the 14th transgender person killed in the United States...
Student-athletes' complaint argues allowing trans women to compete in women's sports violates their civil rights
According to reports, Jordan Cofer was not out publicly, and his brother, Connor Betts, did not know his gender identity
The Ohio Republican Party called her comments "utterly unjustifiable"
Local bartender says employee at the gas station refused to call police or help her as she was being beaten
Study highlights need for more research into LGBTQ political attitudes
Police do not believe Kiki Fantroy was killed because of her gender identity
Candice Keller said that the "breakdown of the traditional American family" was to blame, not white nationalism or gun laws
Christina Ketcham argues that facial feminization surgery is an important part of treating her gender dysphoria
The anti-LGBTQ activist group claims Whole Foods is helping indoctrinate children "into transgenderism and homosexuality"
"Extra" host receives swift backlash for comments criticizing affirming parents