An 8-year-old transgender student from California is suing a private school that she previously attended for discriminating against her on the basis of her gender...
It’s an all-out brawl between reality show stars on Twitter. Jax Taylor, one of the stars of Vanderpump Rules, is coming to the defense of reality...
Months after the Victory Fund threw its support behind the woman who could be the first out transgender person to be seated in a state...
After Trump tweeted his trans military ban, I felt devastated. The Army is not just my career -- it is my life.
In yet another setback for Virginia transgender teen Gavin Grimm, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has sent his lawsuit against the Gloucester County...
School district agrees to add gender identity to its nondiscrimination policies, including for restroom access
The Breakfast Club hosts defend their response to Lil Duval's comment that he'd kill a woman he was dating if she was transgender
In a move that is likely to be ignored and disregarded by most Republican members of the Texas legislature, more than 50 business leaders have...
Former military leaders say President Trump is wrong about costs of medical care for transgender troops
Republicans mostly oppose transgender servicemembers, while Democrats support them
Letter asks Congress to add explicit transgender protections to the National Defense Authorization Act
A bipartisan group of 45 senators has sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis urging him to advise President Tump against implementing...
Staff Sgt. Logan Ireland says "I would like to see them try to kick me out of my military"
Protesters stood outside the White House and vented their rage at a president who continues to target the LGBTQ community
Kristin Beck was responding to Donald Trump's plan to ban transgender people from military service
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