Host Jeff Probst slams the outing as not "okay on any level," while praising Smith's composure
Ad campaign aims to "shatter stereotypes about motherhood"
Report highlights need for federal protections for trans students -- the same protections the Trump administration rescinded
22 European nations have been ordered to amend their laws
Bachmann said Trump's victory was a "reprieve" from LGBTQ equality
The American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Pennsylvania have filed a legal motion asking to intervene in a lawsuit challenging a Pennsylvania school...
A Missouri transgender women is suing the Missouri Department of Corrections and Corizon LCC, which contracts with the MDOC to provide medical care at its...
In a first of its kind ruling, a federal district court judge has ruled that a Boulder County landlady violated the federal Fair Housing Act...
An attempted coup by social conservatives in a suburban Chicago school district has been shot down, allowing the district to continue its current arrangement that allows transgender...
The U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments in the case of Barber v. Bryant, a challenge to Mississippi’s so-called “religious freedom” law, HB...
Tennessee lawmakers have delayed a vote on a measure that would only legally recognize marriages between one man and one woman until next year, but advocates...
On Thursday, North Carolina lawmakers passed a bill that purports to “repeal” the state’s anti-LGBT HB 2 law while keeping some of its more objectionable and...
As HB2 hits its first year, transgender North Carolinians remain casualties of a right-wing agenda
A bill that seeks to restrict which restrooms transgender people in Texas can access seems destined for the scrap heap, if comments from the state’s powerful...
Suffolk University study finds gender-nonconforming people are 61 percent more likely to receive disparate treatment