The Supreme Court will hear a challenge to Colorado's conversion therapy ban and could strike down similar bans across the nation.
Republican lawmakers in nine states are either calling for the overturn of gay marriage or seeking to undermine it.
The nation's highest court refused to reverse an appeals court's decision that a theater putting on drag shows has "no standing" to sue.
Christian employers challenged the constitutionality of provisions in the Affordable Care Act requiring coverage for preventative services.
A proposed resolution would strongly urge the Supreme Court to overturn its decision and allow states to once again ban same-sex marriage.
Amid a bleak political environment, trans people and allies rallied at the Supreme Court, demanding an end to bans on gender-affirming care.
State Rep. Josh Schriver says that the United States should reverse course and embrace laws that fully outlaw same-sex marriage.
The ACLU lawyer will argue that Tennessee's ban on gender-affirming care -- and those in other states -- should be overturned.
The Democratic presidential nominee warned the radio host that a Trump presidency would likely serve a devastating blow to same-sex marriage.
The Kentucky clerk asks a right-wing appeals court to rule that the Supreme Court's 2015 ruling was wrongly decided.
The high court will hear a challenge to Tennessee's law prohibiting doctors from prescribing hormonal treatments to trans youth.
The U.S. Supreme Court declined to take up parents' challenge of a Montgomery County policy meant to support transgender youth.
The former Kentucky clerk who refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses must pay damages and attorneys' fees to one couple.
The Massachusetts Senate approved a bill to repeal an anti-sodomy law criminalizing same-sex intimacy and other outdated "morality" laws.
A court order blocking an Indiana school district from barring trans students from gender-affirming restrooms will remain in place.