A host of LGBTQ groups and their allies in the political, legal, and business communities submitted a host of amicus briefs in support of Charlie...
The attorneys general of 17 states and the District of Columbia have filed an amicus brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to hear and rule...
Jameka Evans believes she was fired for not conforming to gender stereotypes
The law allows religious individuals and businesses to discriminate against LGBTQ people
HB 1523 condones anti-LGBTQ discrimination based on three specific religious beliefs
The attorneys in a case challenging Mississippi’s “religious freedom law” have announced they will appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court after the 5th U.S. Court...
On Tuesday, the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals heard the case of a deceased skydiver who had sued his former employer for firing him...
Lambda Legal has allied itself with religious and civil rights organizations and clergy members in submitting a brief to the U.S. Supreme Court explaining the...
Kenosha Unified School District wants high court to determine whether Title IX applies to transgender students
Jameka Evans' lawyers argue her employer violated her rights under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
Worry stems from concerns over possible erosion of church-state separation and right to discriminate
Court found state's birth certificate policy discriminated against same-sex couples
Case centers around whether the First Amendment allow baker's religious beliefs to override nondiscrimination law
In an unprecedented step, the nation’s largest LBGTQ rights organization is calling for a filibuster of the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch, Donald Trump’s first nominee to...
LGBTQ groups have come out in strong opposition to the nomination of Neil Gorsuch as U.S. Supreme Court Justice, arguing that both his philosophy and judicial...