Three gay men appealed for the law to be overturned, arguing it is unconstitutional
2016 high court ruling overturned a law that punished consensual same-sex relations with 10 years in prison
Judge previously found that district's policy violated Max Brennan's rights under Title IX
Court will meet again to decide whether to repeal sodomy prohibitions in full and decriminalize homosexuality
A federal judge has ordered Idaho state officials to allow transgender people born in Idaho to change the gender markers on their birth certificates by...
Lambda Legal has allied itself with religious and civil rights organizations and clergy members in submitting a brief to the U.S. Supreme Court explaining the...
The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a motion asking a judge to to “immediately halt” the Trump administration’s ban on out transgender service members...
A gay couple in Utah that has been denied the chance to use a surrogate to have a biological child of their own is awaiting...
Same-sex spouses will no longer need a court order or to spend money out of pocket to amend partners' death certificates
Bobby Jindal had better get the lawyers ready. The ACLU Foundation of Louisiana, the Forum for Equality Foundation and six individual plaintiffs have filed a...