Metro Weekly

All posts tagged "woolly mammoth theatre company"

  • Born to Puppeteer

    When Basil Twist saw Joey Arias flirting with his puppets, he knew it was fate. ''They had so much chemistry together,'' Twist says. ''The puppets...

  • Comedy Accompli

    A little edgy, a little existential and a lot funny, Second City's Spoiler Alert: Everybody Dies, is a high-energy riff on the idea, more or...

  • Woolly Mammoth and Second City join forces

    Woolly Mammoth isn’t just hosting Chicago’s The Second City to offer more off-the-wall improv humor as in years past. Rather, Woolly’s company members Jessica Frances...

  • Kiss and Tell

    Do you remember your first kiss with a lover? The moment you let your guard down and melt into another person can be a mind-altering,...

  • Editor’s Pick: Woolly Mammoth revisits Clybourne Park

    Woolly Mammoth reprises its production of Bruce Norris’s Clybourne Park, after having won a couple Helen Hayes Awards and this year’s Pulitzer Prize. As Metro...

  • Candy Land

    ''The work should be work,'' admonishes playwright-director Robert O'Hara's semi-autobiographical avatar in Bootycandy, a collection of 10 short plays receiving a snazzy, saucy world-premiere production...

  • The Ringleader

    Robert O'Hara, the 41-year-old playwright whose latest work, Bootycandy, is having its world premiere run at Washington's Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company, is very familiar with...

  • Lights Up

    The American musical wasn't born overnight. Like any art form, it came to be in fits and starts. Even today, some audience members -- and...

  • Hot Pick: The Agony and the Ecstacy of Steve Jobs

    Following his smash hit monologue The Last Cargo Cult, Mike Daisey pulls back the curtain veiling America’s most mysterious technology icon. With a wickedly funny...

  • Modern Approach

    Luis Alfaro got turned on to the theater when he was 15 as part of community service -- literally. ''I actually got arrested for shoplifting...

  • Funny Ladies

    ''You don't hear as many legitimate conversations about foreign policy in Chicago as you do ,'' says Brooke Breit of Chicago's Second City. You...

  • Good Cheer

    Despite the valiant attempts being made in some corners, the bright bauble of reality television has eclipsed what was once television's most reliable version of...

  • A Girl’s Guide to Washington Politics at Woolly Mammoth

    Following on last year’s hit, Barack Stars, Chicago’s notorious and uproarious The Second City returns with A Girl’s Guide to Washington Politics, a new political...

  • House of Gold at Woolly Mammoth

    In House of Gold, Sarah Benson directs a first-rate cast including Mitchell Hebert and Michael Russotto in a darkly funny story, written by young playwright...

  • The Vibrator Play at Woolly Mammoth

    Aaron Posner directs Sarah Ruhl’s 2010 Pulitzer Prize finalist and Tony-nominated In the Next Room, or The Vibrator Play, kicking off Woolly Mammoth’s 31st season....