Metro Weekly

All posts tagged "woolly mammoth theatre company"

  • Jolly Holiday

    For every Lion King, there is a Little Mermaid. For every Beauty and the Beast, there is a Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. There is perhaps...

  • Women in Love

    A modern sad-funny tale of a love that fails to launch, Rajiv Joseph’s play Gruesome Playground Injuries ranks as a small but, in its way,...

  • Unforgettable Sarah Marshall

    There's a funny thing about Sarah Marshall. (That is, something besides the fact that, thanks to a certain movie, a Google search of her name...

  • Perpetual Motion

    It's often smaller companies who try for the kind of experimental staging that defies the usual juxtaposition between audience and players. In last season's Small...

  • Great Company

    Those sentient during the excesses of the 1980s may recall The The's memorable big-band pastiche Twilight of a Champion in which a scathing Matt Johnson...

  • South Rising

    Regardless of the geographic realities, there are times when one could be quite sure that the Mason-Dixon Line runs right through the center of our...

  • An Officer and a Thespian

    Antebellum is a story that moves across continents and genders, from World War II to a cinematic memory of the American Civil War. With his...

  • Noises On

    Sitting in the Woolly Mammoth Theatre audience for Mike Daisey's one-man show, How Theater Failed America, you may find yourself wondering, ''Is Mike Daisey talking...

  • Baby Boom

    Watching an audience take their seats is always something of a pre-show entertainment, but it was particularly fun at Woolly Mammoth's Boom with the unique...

  • Sticky Fingers

    Contemplation of the Post-Industrial Family surely ranks as one of the most indispensable themes of the modern playwright. What writer worth their salt can resist...

  • Rib Tickler

    Sir Peter Lustforth. Dame Stickle. Molly Tawdry. Lady Vanity Lustforth. And, of course, Dick Dashwood. If you're looking for a clue as to what kind...

  • White Hot

    Once again, Woolly Mammoth courageously enters the realm of black-white relations, this time via up-and-coming playwright David Adjmi's new play Stunning. Much like The Unmentionables,...

  • American Values

    If you polled the typical Woolly Mammoth audience you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who doesn't agree that: 1) American Christian missionaries who go to...

  • Witch Slapped

    It was probably one of those ideas followed by the exclamation, ''That's so crazy it just might work!'' Don't simply create a stage version of...

  • Kiki & Herb

    Photography by Michael Wichita It's like a frat band on the Lawrence Welk Show. It's like Steve and Edie on a bender. It's like bong...