For every Lion King, there is a Little Mermaid. For every Beauty and the Beast, there is a Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. There is perhaps...
A modern sad-funny tale of a love that fails to launch, Rajiv Joseph’s play Gruesome Playground Injuries ranks as a small but, in its way,...
There's a funny thing about Sarah Marshall. (That is, something besides the fact that, thanks to a certain movie, a Google search of her name...
It's often smaller companies who try for the kind of experimental staging that defies the usual juxtaposition between audience and players. In last season's Small...
Those sentient during the excesses of the 1980s may recall The The's memorable big-band pastiche Twilight of a Champion in which a scathing Matt Johnson...
Regardless of the geographic realities, there are times when one could be quite sure that the Mason-Dixon Line runs right through the center of our...
Antebellum is a story that moves across continents and genders, from World War II to a cinematic memory of the American Civil War. With his...
Sitting in the Woolly Mammoth Theatre audience for Mike Daisey's one-man show, How Theater Failed America, you may find yourself wondering, ''Is Mike Daisey talking...
Watching an audience take their seats is always something of a pre-show entertainment, but it was particularly fun at Woolly Mammoth's Boom with the unique...
Contemplation of the Post-Industrial Family surely ranks as one of the most indispensable themes of the modern playwright. What writer worth their salt can resist...
Sir Peter Lustforth. Dame Stickle. Molly Tawdry. Lady Vanity Lustforth. And, of course, Dick Dashwood. If you're looking for a clue as to what kind...
Once again, Woolly Mammoth courageously enters the realm of black-white relations, this time via up-and-coming playwright David Adjmi's new play Stunning. Much like The Unmentionables,...
If you polled the typical Woolly Mammoth audience you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who doesn't agree that: 1) American Christian missionaries who go to...
It was probably one of those ideas followed by the exclamation, ''That's so crazy it just might work!'' Don't simply create a stage version of...
Photography by Michael Wichita It's like a frat band on the Lawrence Welk Show. It's like Steve and Edie on a bender. It's like bong...