A coalition of businesses is warning Uganda's president that signing an anti-LGBTQ law could negatively affect the country's economy.
A new study finds that LGBTQ workers are more likely to “change” their personalities, or adjust how they present themselves to their employers and fellow...
A new survey from the Human Rights Campaign Foundation finds that little has changed in the past decade in terms of how “out” LGBTQ Americans...
When it comes to sexuality, gay CEOs stay off-the-radar
A spokeswoman for U.S. Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.V.) Wednesday confirmed that the five-term senator will sign on as the 52nd co-sponsor of the Employment Non-Discrimination...
The chairman of the Senate committee overseeing one of the last major pieces of LGBT-rights legislation today promised movement on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. During...
Sitting with First Lady Michelle Obama at President Obama's State of the Union Address this evening will be Lorelei Kilker, a woman who came forward...
A few years ago, Riley Folds applied for a job at a company with a poor reputation toward gays and lesbians. He debated how of...
Ronald Clayton has created career-development programs for people who are GLBT or HIV-positive in Los Angeles and New York. Now he's launched just such a...
For the first time in its 17-year history, the country's premier conference dealing with issues of workplace equality and GLBT employees is making its way...