Metro Weekly

All posts tagged "zachary quinto"

  • A Tale of Two Closets

    Mr. Spock is gay. Or, at least, this Star Trek timeline's version of the iconic Vulcan is played by Zachary Quinto, who came out in...

  • Out With It

    For those of us who've been out for years, the delicate dance of the semi-closeted celebrity can be infuriating. The dance features a number of...

  • Zachary Quinto comes out in New York magazine, on his blog

    Zachary Quinto — Spock in the new Star Trek and Louis Ironson in this past year’s New York City revival of Angels in America —...

  • Space Balls

    J.J. Abrams may not be boldly going where no man has gone before, but he's boldly doing what few have done before: creating a daring,...